What is WannaCry, how it works & can it be stopped?
A global cyber attack has been underway since Friday, affecting more than 200,000 organisations in 150 countries. Already it has proved itself to be one of the most virulent and potentially destructive cyber attacks ever observed. The " WannaCry " ransomware appears to have used a flaw in Microsoft's software, discovered by the National Security Agency and leaked by hackers, to spread rapidly across networks locking away files. A security expert managed to stop the attack by triggering a "kill switch" on Saturday but it has continued to wreak havoc. Ransomware, which demands payment after launching a cyber attack, has become a rising trend among hackers looking for a quick payout. WHAT IS A RANSOMWARE? Ransomware is a kind of software which helps in a cyber attack that involves hackers taking control of a computer system and blocking access to it until a ransom is paid. For cyber criminals to gain access to the system they ...