
Showing posts from June, 2017

YOUR DATA FOR SALE : The Web Data Mining

OK, let's blame it to the festive season that you have gained a few pounds in the last 2 months... And now, you have a vacation lined up, after which you will definitely be posting in quite a few pictures to flaunt a little about your latest vacation.  But then, you would want to be in shape before all this happens and someone points it out on your FB wall and embarrass you for no reason. So, here begins your weight loss spree..! It's  12 am, and you're surfing some weight loss tips. You search for a daily diet regime and exercise plan since you bet to follow it the very next morning.  While you surf, the different pages show you the clothes/shoes you surfed the other night. But you decide not to deviate from the topic but they somehow tempt you to go to their website and buy something more useful at this moment. You end up buying a weighing machine after having compared the prices at different websites and reading their reviews.  And you are now qui...